Hi All,
I recently installed LibreNMS with Apache on Lubuntu 18.04. After finishing up the installation, my validate config told me that
Fail: Time between this server and the mysql database is off Mysql time 2019-08-27 11:30:17 PHP time 2019-08-27 15:30:17
What should I concern to match time between mysql and PHP time setting? Any idea?
mysql usually takes system TZ and in PHP you must configure it manually in php.ini (both, CLI and Apache) Check Configure PHP
from here https://docs.librenms.org/Installation/Installation-Ubuntu-1804-Apache/
Hi, I checked TZ through
admin2@LibreNMSST:~$ date
Tue Aug 27 17:11:55 EDT 2019
and I checked php.ini files in
; Defines the default timezone used by the date functions
; http://php.net/date.timezone
;date.timezone = America/New_York
; Defines the default timezone used by the date functions
; http://php.net/date.timezone
;date.timezone = America/New_York
Am I missing something? please let me know,
I just removed ‘;’ (meaning that the line is a comment) for both php.ini date.timezone and it is solved!
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