Fast Ping not Alerting within 30 seconds, only when poller.php is run


I’ve just implemented fast ping monitoring on our LibreNMS cluster.

Ping.php runs every 30 seconds (at 0 & 30 seconds), and alerts.php runs every 30 seconds (at 15 & 45 seconds). As we have distributed polling each poller is using its own group (cron job line has - ping.php -g X)
When ICMP reports a device down, LibreNMS doesn’t send the down alert until poller.php is run (which is every 5 minutes). Instead of getting ICMP Down alerts within 30 seconds it’s still taking at most 5-6 minutes for the alert to come through. That said, when ICMP starts responding again, the ‘restored’ alert comes through within 30 seconds (without poller.php being run). I’m not sure what I’m missing for ping.php to not add the alert for alerts.php to send.

I followed Cron job for fast-ping (ping.php) don't work correct however this didn’t work for me in getting the down alerts to send.

For the alert rule, I’ve tried “devices.status_reason equal ICMP” and “macros.device_down equal yes”. And also without the Macros with “devices.status equal down”. But no luck.

$ ./validate.php

Component Version
LibreNMS 1.56-7-g51e5521d9
DB Schema 2019_08_28_105051_fix-template-linefeeds (143)
PHP 7.2.19-0ubuntu0.18.04.2
MySQL 10.1.41-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.18.04.1
RRDTool 1.7.0

[OK] Composer Version: 1.9.0
[OK] Dependencies up-to-date.
[OK] Database connection successful
[OK] Database schema correct


Hi, I have also a distributed poller setup and I would like to alert fast ping within 1 minute. I am facing with the same problem as yours: instead of getting ICMP down alerts within 1 minute it takes almost 5-6 minutes for the alert to come through (which is the poller time). Did you find out any solution? It seems that in my case ping.php does not generate the alerts and the poller.php yes but it is strange because in the alert rule I have “macros.device_down equal yes” and “devices.status_reason = icmp”. I look forward to your answer.


Hey Sebastia,

I didn’t find a solution to this, however since making this post I’ve moved to the dispatcher service.