FDB Search for a single MAC or IP displays multiple Results

When I try to search FDB table with a MAC ADDRESS or IP ADDRESS it display lot of results for a single MAC.
We are on latest release which should have fixed this as per release notes:

But I am not seeing this on my search results even though I am on latest release
./validate.php -g updates

Component Version
LibreNMS 1.59
DB Schema 2019_12_16XXX (152)
PHP 7.2.16
MySQL 5.5.60-MariaDB
RRDTool 1.4.8

Do I have to restart any service to make this effective after the automatic updated to a new release?

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1.59 is the latest stable release.

Hi Kevin

Yeah we are on latest stable release but not able to get the Improvements done in that release for example as stated on above FDB problem

It will show like that in FDB because that how FDB works. you need to look for the one that has the Green star next to it that will be the end point.

aah got it thanks for a quick response.Is there a way in API that I could get the Green Star port only at present I use /api/v0/resources/fdb/XXXXXXXX it lists all the FDB results

Usecase:I am working on updating Inventory with lldp info based on this through API .

I tried this ```
curl -H ‘X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE’ https://librenms.org/api/v0/resources/fdb/1aaa2bbb3ccc

But it does not get the end point switch port that is is connected to

We are also interested in using the API to pull out FDB information about an IP address.

We want to use the API to create a “Debug” website that our users and support techs can use to find out information about the port they are plugged into.

Would be awesome if someone could code this into the API :slight_smile:

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Yeah at present I get the FDB information for each device and then parse based on PortName.This would be great if we would be able to get the connected endpoint directly