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Deployed Asterisk SNMP monitoring according to SNMP. Following this process, you need to install net-snmp and net-snmp-devel and recompile Asterisk while specifying the addition of the module. After compiling Asterisk (and configuring it up all nice - omitting that information as some of it is in house), you need to place the into the /etc/asterisk/modules. Unload the module and then reload it, then make changes to snmpd.conf to make use of the AgentX subagent.
When performing snmpwalk on the LibreNMS host, use v1 or v2c (don’t have v3 configured) and use an OID of . to narrow the output to just Asterisk. The MIB files for Asterisk and Digium are linked below:
So while I am getting output from snmpwalk for Asterisk, LibreNMS does not have support for it in the web UI. For the above section, do note that it was output from a host in test so expect a lot of the int type OIDs to have zero or NULL values.
The Asterisk version on the host from the pastebin files above is 11.23.1 (kinda dated) on a CentOS 6.8 2.6.32-642.6.2.el6.x86_64 host.
Please do NOT post more than 10 lines of debug information here, use a pastebin service or GitHub Gists.
Don’t have any debug output handy, but can provide as requested.