I’ve created a new feature for custom-maps, i have created the feature in testing and so far it works as expected.
The feature uses html and javascript and rotates between a predefined url-list that points to custom maps, allowing rotation between maps. It has a counter in the bottom left and a pause button, to pauze at the current viewed map.
I would gladly share my code, so the feature can be tested and possibly incorporated in a future release. Please contact me through messages, if you are interested.
Basically just fork the code on github into your own repo, check that out, cut a branch, do your patches and stuff, the commit/push and github will ask you if you want to create a merge request … and ta da…
At work we just use a web browser with a plug in the rotates web pages. So I’m not sure we need a map that keeps rotating but I suppose it could be kinda great with like multiple buildings or floors?
Also how did you know I wanted this feature so badly or is it just a coincidence my forums new posts email included yours.
That being said, have they added something similar now?
Whichever one let’s me drop printer locations, routers, that kind of thing
I’m going to have to update my copy at work finally. Terrifying!