Force add Device via cli?

Hi Guys

Any way to force add a device via the CLI had a poke about google and cant seem to see any examples

Sorry if this has already been answered

Thanks in advance

I think if you call ./addhost.php -f <host_name> it should force add the device. Just listed out all the flags below if it helps

    -g <poller group> allows you to add a device to be pinned to a specific poller when using distributed polling. X can be any number associated with a poller group
    -f forces the device to be added by skipping the icmp and snmp check against the host.
    -p <port assoc mode> allow you to set a port association mode for this device. By default ports are associated by \'ifIndex\'.
        For Linux/Unix based devices \'ifName\' or \'ifDescr\' might be useful for a stable iface mapping.
        The default for this installation is \'' . Config::get('default_port_association_mode') . '\'
        Valid port assoc modes are: ' . join(', ', $valid_assoc_modes) . '
    -b Add the host with SNMP if it replies to it, otherwise only ICMP.
    -P Add the host with only ICMP, no SNMP or OS discovery.
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Thanks guys, should have thought of that!