Generate 95th percentile graph based on workdays and/or weekend days in the billing module

Feature Request - Billing module addition

Requesting it possible to generate RRD graphs showing

  1. the aggregate 95th percentile and
  2. the highest of in/out 95th percentile

based on multiple overlapping/overlayed

  1. Weekends
  2. Workdays


Calculate highest of in/out 95th percentile based on

  • Week 8 to Week 14 of 2023
    • Workdays
    • Weekends
  • All workdays of 2022.
  • All weekends of 2022.


A questionare: BEREC IP-IC Questionnaire 2023 received recently contained this question:

To ensure consistency, BEREC’s preference to calculate traffic exchanged would be to use the 95th percentile measured with a sampling every 5 minutes for workdays (between Monday to Friday) during the data collection period. However feel free to use any other method.

I.e. calculate the 95th percentile only over the period of multiple Workweeks. Excluding Saturday-Sunday period from the 95th percentile calculation.

(The question does thou not specify if you should respond with the aggregate 95th percentile or the highest of in/out 95th percentile)

I think the fact this is a one off thing and pretty bespoke, I’d suggest you dump the data from the bill_data table and put it in a graph in excel. You can calculate the 95th pretty easily within that.