Git output not working for my oxidized web

Hi guys.
My oxidized platform was properly working , I had to re install the vms and now can not get it working.
After some configuration fighting , I got oxidized pulling devices from lnms , connecting and downloading devices configurations to file.
but ,
I can not make diff and versions view work.
this is my config file:

  default: file
    directory: "/root/.config/oxidized/configs"

    user: Oxidized
    email: [email protected]
    repo: "/var/lib/oxidized/devices.git"

I dont know what else is missing.
Im running oxidized on a docker container.
Any idea ?

Output default should be set to git instead of file

Dear @rhinoau , it works !!!
However , no I can not get my config on plain text as file output.
Is it not possible have both outputs ?

check this thread