Gorgy timing LEDI Network ITS V2M


Is it possible to add support for grogy timing devices ? LEDI Networl ITS V2M is a ntp server.
Here is the mib call Gorgy_NTP_Srv_v2.mib Mibs.

I run command snmpwalk and poller.php but it includes some private information about profesionnal network.

Thanks and regards,


believe me, nobody will guessing values and spending time to populate test data for these MIBs by hand

so it is best to make a snmpwalk , redact these few line with sensitive data and upload

Here it is:


# snmpbulkwalk -OUneb -v2c -c Public ntp-srv1.mgnt.test.fr
snmpbulkwalk: Unknown host (ntp-srv1.mgnt.test.fr) (No such file or directory)
[root@librenms-srv1 librenms]# snmpbulkwalk -OUneb -v2c -c public ntp-srv1-mgnt.test.fr
. = STRING: LEDI Network ITS v2
. = OID: .
. = Timeticks: (3473196595) 401 days, 23:46:05.95
. = STRING: [email protected]
. = STRING: Salle Info 2 [44.704489, -0.176669]
. = INTEGER: 72
. = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00
. = OID: .
. = OID: .
. = OID: .
. = OID: .
. = OID: .
. = STRING: The MIB Module from SNMPv2 entities
. = STRING: SNMP Management Architecture MIB
. = STRING: Message Processing and Dispatching MIB
. = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00
. = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00
. = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00
. = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00
. = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 2
. = STRING: eth0
. = STRING: lo
. = INTEGER: 24
. = INTEGER: 6
. = INTEGER: 1500
. = INTEGER: 1500
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 100000000
. = STRING: 0:40:9d:b4:53:c2
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00
. = Timeticks: (339) 0:00:03.39
. = Counter32: 607303297
. = Counter32: 821918140
. = Counter32: 1037412
. = Counter32: 4668686
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 73821085
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 38087626
. = Counter32: 607303297
. = Counter32: 1125839436
. = Counter32: 1037417
. = Counter32: 4858423
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 8
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0
. = OID: .0.0
. = OID: .0.0
. = INTEGER: 2
. = Hex-STRING: 70 35 09 CC 88 48
. = IpAddress:
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 64
. = Counter32: 16459143
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 54
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 16458944
. = Counter32: 5894661
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = INTEGER: 64
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = IpAddress:
. = IpAddress:
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 2
. = IpAddress:
. = IpAddress:
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1500
. = INTEGER: 1500
. = IpAddress:
. = IpAddress:
. = IpAddress:
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: -1
. = INTEGER: -1
. = INTEGER: -1
. = INTEGER: -1
. = INTEGER: -1
. = INTEGER: -1
. = INTEGER: -1
. = INTEGER: -1
. = INTEGER: -1
. = IpAddress:
. = IpAddress:
. = IpAddress:
. = INTEGER: 4
. = INTEGER: 3
. = INTEGER: 3
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: -1
. = INTEGER: -1
. = INTEGER: -1
. = IpAddress:
. = IpAddress:
. = IpAddress:
. = INTEGER: -1
. = INTEGER: -1
. = INTEGER: -1
. = OID: .0.0
. = OID: .0.0
. = OID: .0.0
. = INTEGER: 2
. = STRING: 70:35:9:cc:88:48
. = IpAddress:
. = INTEGER: 3
. = Counter32: 0
. = INTEGER: 1500
. = INTEGER: 1500
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = Gauge32: 1500
. = Gauge32: 1500
. = ""
. = Hex-STRING: 00 40 9D B4 53 C2
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = Gauge32: 23081
. = Gauge32: 29978
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 62
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 62
. = Counter32: 1429218841
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter64: 57263793689
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 38087626
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 16
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 8
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter32): Counter64: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter32): Counter64: 0
. = Counter32: 1733145448
. = Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter32): Counter64: 1733145448
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter32): Counter64: 0
. = Counter32: 292571
. = Counter32: 16
. = Counter64: 292571
. = Counter64: 16
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 8
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 8
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter32: 73528514
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter64: 73528514
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter32: 8
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter64: 8
. = Counter64: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter32): Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter32): Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): Gauge32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): Gauge32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 62
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 62
. = Counter32: 607303297
. = Counter32: 821921745
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter64: 607303297
. = Counter64: 56656496593
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 38087627
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 16
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 8
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter32): Counter64: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter32): Counter64: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter32): Counter64: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter32): Counter64: 0
. = Counter32: 607303297
. = Counter32: 1125847291
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter32): Counter64: 607303297
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter32): Counter64: 1125847291
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter32): Counter64: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter32): Counter64: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 292571
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 16
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 292571
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 16
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 8
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 8
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 73528515
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 73528516
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 8
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 8
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter32): Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter32): Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter32): Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter32): Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): Gauge32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): Gauge32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): Gauge32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Counter64): Gauge32: 0
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 1
. = Wrong Type (should be INTEGER): Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00
. = Wrong Type (should be INTEGER): Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00
. = Wrong Type (should be INTEGER): Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00
. = Wrong Type (should be INTEGER): Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00
. = Wrong Type (should be INTEGER): Hex-STRING: 70 35 09 CC 88 48
. = Wrong Type (should be OBJECT IDENTIFIER): Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00


. = INTEGER: 3
. = INTEGER: 6
. = Wrong Type (should be INTEGER): Gauge32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be INTEGER): Gauge32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be OCTET STRING): Gauge32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be OCTET STRING): Gauge32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be OCTET STRING): Gauge32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be OCTET STRING): Gauge32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Timeticks): Gauge32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Timeticks): Gauge32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be INTEGER): Gauge32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be INTEGER): Gauge32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be INTEGER): Gauge32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be INTEGER): Gauge32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be INTEGER): Gauge32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be INTEGER): Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 1000
. = INTEGER: 1000
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 1500
. = INTEGER: 1500
. = INTEGER: 23081
. = INTEGER: 29978
. = INTEGER: 4000
. = INTEGER: 4000
. = INTEGER: 64
. = INTEGER: 64
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = Counter32: 1355781
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 703
. = Counter32: 44
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 1355034
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 1355034
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 1355034
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 1355781
. = Counter32: 16
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 1355034
. = Counter32: 3
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 703
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 1355034
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 44
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 1
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 15
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 1355034
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 3
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = INTEGER: 4
. = INTEGER: 1000
. = INTEGER: 60000
. = INTEGER: 128
. = Counter32: 3814
. = Counter32: 6685
. = Counter32: 3
. = Counter32: 276
. = Gauge32: 3
. = Counter32: 1348289
. = Counter32: 965732
. = Counter32: 11
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 2
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = IpAddress:
. = IpAddress:
. = IpAddress:
. = IpAddress:
. = IpAddress:
. = IpAddress:
. = IpAddress:
. = INTEGER: 22
. = INTEGER: 443
. = INTEGER: 80
. = INTEGER: 50327
. = INTEGER: 62795
. = INTEGER: 64165
. = INTEGER: 22
. = IpAddress:
. = IpAddress:
. = IpAddress:
. = IpAddress:
. = IpAddress:
. = IpAddress:
. = IpAddress:
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 64165
. = INTEGER: 62795
. = INTEGER: 64101
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 49
. = Counter64: 1348289
. = Counter64: 965732
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = INTEGER: 5
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Counter32: 3000893
. = Counter32: 10461657
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 3211854
. = IpAddress:
. = IpAddress:
. = IpAddress:
. = INTEGER: 47053
. = INTEGER: 61261
. = INTEGER: 63302
. = Wrong Type (should be Gauge32 or Unsigned32): Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Gauge32 or Unsigned32): Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Gauge32 or Unsigned32): Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Gauge32 or Unsigned32): Counter32: 3000894
. = Wrong Type (should be Gauge32 or Unsigned32): Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Gauge32 or Unsigned32): Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Gauge32 or Unsigned32): Counter32: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Gauge32 or Unsigned32): Counter64: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Gauge32 or Unsigned32): Counter64: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Gauge32 or Unsigned32): Counter64: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Gauge32 or Unsigned32): Counter64: 3000895
. = Wrong Type (should be Gauge32 or Unsigned32): Counter64: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Gauge32 or Unsigned32): Counter64: 0
. = Wrong Type (should be Gauge32 or Unsigned32): Counter64: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 53119
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 3000890
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 53119
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 3000891
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 217054717
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 217054717
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 8564703
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 582408624
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 8564703
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 582409149
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Counter64: 0
. = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00
. = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00
. = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00
. = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00
. = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00
. = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00
. = Timeticks: (0) 0:00:00.00
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Gauge32: 0
. = Counter64: 3000901
. = Counter64: 3211862
. = Counter32: 3000897
. = Counter32: 3000896
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 26950
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 3859077
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 1054237
. = Counter32: 187456
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 26950
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 3000898
. = Counter32: 157847
. = INTEGER: 1
. = Counter32: 0
. = Counter32: 0