Is there a way to change the color of the graph legend text?
I have seen in the doc how to change graph color (in config.php file), but nothing about the legend text color, and the background color of the graph when you do a mouseover (always white).
Finally I found something to change color of the legend text (and axis text):
Inside the html/includes/graph/ just add:
$rrd_options .= " -c FONT#FFFFFF";
It will be erase at each update, but it’s the only way i found
the theme is not finished, but you can test it if you want:
Download files →
put style.css in html/css/custom
put librenms_logo_blue.svg in html/images/custom
add to config.php:
Sorry, I was very busy this last time , you can download it here:
But i haven’t done any modification since my last post, I try to finish it next week
So, there is a few bugs , just follow same instuctions on my previous post