I have some issue where the graph is not appear on client side, for the librenms server the graph is appear. I used the librenms from vmdk image. My server libre is centos 7 with nginx and my client is centos6.x
i already check but not get the clue where the error is, i am new for rrdtools.
this is the validate.php output and rrd command for graph : https://p.libren.ms/view/c5bfdc3e
where i must check the error issue? i know my libre is not update but i think for the graph it might be not an issue for update
my client is use default snmpd.conf, is any snmpd.conf i need to change for the graph work?
all graph is not working for client device but for librenms server is fine, the error at libre server can not graph but is ok when i change the date on server, but i check on my client server the date is update.
Im talking about the device you are polling from not the snmpd on the LibreNMS server.
You can see just a few errors in the poller.
Also, you can look through the poller debug and discovery debug for errors and in your case you are trying to look for the disocvery module for memory and processor and storage.