Hardware identification via SNMP (1.58)

A bit niche this one, but something seems to have changed between 1.57 and 1.58 when deciding what goes in the “Hardware” field of a device page in LibreNMS e.g. from Cisco Catalyst 4900M and 6509E VSS it has changed:

1.57                        1.58
cat4900M                    MIDPLANE
catalyst65xxVirtualSwitch   Cisco System Virtual Switch device, Virtual Stack

From a dig about the SNMP tree I’m not clear on how this is being decided, other than they’re all contained in entPhysicalEntry. e.g. for the values displayed in 1.58 “MIDPLANE” is pulled from OID:


where as “Cisco System Virtual Switch device, Virtual Stack” is taken from OID:


It’s not a massive issue but interested in what changed in the logic.


I’m guessing this had to do with the change in the logic to properly detect the Catalyst 9200/9300/9400/9500 series of IOS-XE devices (rather than the 1.57->1.58 transition) driven by me… sorry :frowning:

I’ll submit the data for the 6509E to see if it can be accommodated in the logic that does the device detection.

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No apologies necessary, that was a most welcome improvement for the 9k series :+1:

I’ve added the snmp data from a 6509e VSS to the bug, hopefully it’s a simple fix :slight_smile: (not simple for me - I’m waaay to simple for that :slight_smile: )

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