Having issuies with Device link in the UI


I am having an issuie with the UI in Librenms. All of my tabs are working except devices. When I click on devices and see No Devices nothing is coming up. I noticed when I click on the link the url shows librenms/# instead of Librenms/devices

However if I manually type into the url /devices and click go it comes up with a list as it normally would and I can see everything. It seems to just be a issue with the link itself. Here is a screenshot of what I am talking about. I recently changed the php-mysqli to php-mysqlnd and updated mbstring. Thats was bcasue validate was complaining abiut it.


Component Version
LibreNMS 1.43-95-g85f78e7
DB Schema 267
PHP 7.0.31
MySQL 5.7.12
RRDTool 1.4.8

[OK] Composer Version: 1.7.2
[OK] Dependencies up-to-date.
[OK] Database connection successful
[OK] Database schema correct

What it is showing when it doesnt work

This is what it looks like if I type in devices to the url

This is a permission issue.
It works with admin accounts.

Sorry, I forgot to mention that this was working for me about a week agao and suddenly stopped woking.

I don’t see what’s wrong from that screenshot


The first screenshot with the # is what happens when I click on devices > No devices.

The second screenshot is what happens when i type /devices into the url and hit go. So when I click the link for devices I get a # and when I type it into the url it works. this was working for me last week and all of the sudden stopped working.

userlevel is wrong in the database.
Please check the users table and what auth are you using?