Help i'm new

Hello, good morning, excuse me, I am new and I have seen and heard a lot about this platform but I had never needed it, now the need arises and I would like to start learning, and for example I want to monitor windows equipment and I can’t get them to work, I have firewall disabled, attached capture, I hope you can help me, thanks.

You did not use the community you set for the snmp service (which seems to be an IP???)… Also, is the IP of the LibreNMS server in the bottom box on that tab of the SNMP service properties?

Good morning, thanks for your response, I do not understand much English, with how to set up the community, do you mean what I attached to you in the capture ?, thanks in advance, greetings


Thank you, murrant, but I just got it, in accepted community names, in commmunity I was setting the ip, and in the windows I also had a bad parameter, thanks a lot, for helping me, a question … does it take a lot of librenms to load? the graphics? because I get error …

Run ./validate.php to double check everything is ok. It takes about 15 minutes for the first graphs to show up.

Is that done in ssh or in the same web portal?

ssh, run ./validate.php in /opt/librenms (or where it is installed)

Many thanks to all of you, I capture the result of the command