Hexa-string doesn't translate to ip

i monitor some firewall Stonesoft
I would like to check all the vpn status

i have made a yaml configuration like this

oid: fwVpnEp4Table
num_oid: ‘.{{ $index }}’
index: ‘fwVpnEp4IpsecSa.{{ $index }}’
descr: “{{ $fwVpnEp4Local }}\{{ $fwVpnEp4Remote }}”
value: ‘fwVpnEp4IpsecSa’
- { value: 0, descr: DOWN, graph: 1, generic: 2 }
- { value: 1, descr: 1 IPSEC SA, graph: 1, generic: 0 }
- { value: 2, descr: 2 IPSEC SA, graph: 1, generic: 0 }
- { value: 3, descr: 3 IPSEC SA, graph: 1, generic: 0 }
- { value: 4, descr: 4 IPSEC SA, graph: 1, generic: 0 }
- { value: 5, descr: 5 IPSEC SA, graph: 1, generic: 2 }
- { value: 6, descr: 6 IPSEC SA, graph: 1, generic: 2 }
- { value: 7, descr: 7 IPSEC SA, graph: 1, generic: 2 }

and my discovery capture

9 =>
array (
‘fwVpnEp4Local’ => ‘C3 65 D8 41’,
‘fwVpnEp4Remote’ => ‘C3 65 A0 91’,
‘fwVpnEp4RemoteType’ => ‘1’,
‘fwVpnEp4ReceivedBytes’ => ‘91631286884’,
‘fwVpnEp4SentBytes’ => ‘604882353772’,
‘fwVpnEp4IpsecSa’ => ‘1’,

I don’t undertand why the public ip address are not translate to ip ?

Do you have an idea ?

thank’s per advance for you help

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