How can I get the Wireless info to show from a Wireless Router?


What is involved in getting these 2 routers 4G wireless stats so show in LibreNMS?

Telktonika 955 RUT955 SNMP - Teltonika Networks Wiki
Teltonika 956 RUT956 SNMP - Teltonika Networks Wiki

We get the usual SNMP info showing in LiberNMS such as CPU, Mem, Space, Ports, but none of the 4G wireless telemetry.


Component Version
LibreNMS 23.4.1-50-g927446db7 (2023-05-02T20:02:50+01:00)
DB Schema 2023_04_12_174529_modify_ports_table (250)
PHP 8.1.2-1ubuntu2.11
Python 3.10.6
Database MariaDB 10.6.12-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.22.04.1
RRDTool 1.7.2
SNMP 5.9.1


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