Hi everybody,
I’m a newby and I’m wandering how can I add devices that responde correctly to a ping,but not to SNMP. Where can I modify this? Because running the snmp-scan.py file I got that these devices responde to ping.
Thanks in advance,
./snmp-scan.py -h
usage: snmp-scan.py [-h] [-P] [-t THREADS] [-l] [-v] [network [network ...]]
Scan network for snmp hosts and add them to LibreNMS.
positional arguments:
network CIDR noted IP-Range to scan. Can be specified multiple times
This argument is only required if $config['nets'] is not set
Example: will be treated as an RFC3021 p-t-p network with two addresses, and
Example: will be treated as a single host address
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-P, --ping Add the device as an ICMP only device if it replies to ping but not SNMP.
Example: ./snmp-scan.py -P
-t THREADS How many IPs to scan at a time. More will increase the scan speed, but could overload your system. Default: 32
-l, --legend Print the legend.
-v, --verbose Show debug output. Specifying multiple times increases the verbosity.
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