ICMP Packet loss alert

got it, thanks

Hi Kelvin,

Is it also possible to add public internet icmp checks?
How Can I specify hosts checks without having devices defined

Yup with Nagios Plugins - LibreNMS Docs

Did it, please see attached pircture, it doesn’t specify packet loss

looks like it hasn’t run yet it should go green, after 5 minutes

By the way, why while configuring it , it asks for device in addition to destination ip?
Does it send icmp from the device? or from the librenms host?

It just sends it from librenms server

Strange,when you add a new service you need to specify the device in addition to destination ip

These are all from Nagios checks so that’s why.

I usually just put a device in there just so they are better grouped/associated to what they are checking… like so. Don’t over think it.

So specifying a device is just for reference, the checks are still done from the librenms host

Yes that is Correct

strange, fping still not coming green

Run through the doc again make sure you did everything.

Most common mistake is not setting the plugins to excitable and not setting up the cron for check services.

also you can run from cli ./check-services.php -d and that will give you an idea whats going on.

After I run this command ./check-services.php -d
it became green

Hi Kevin,

It works good , thanks ,now Can I trigger the alerts based on the services of nagios plugin?

I don’t see service packet loss

Hi Kelvin,

The nagios fping checks are referred to the same fping adjustment I did on config.php for cron checks?
Or there is any other file where I can adjust intervals of fping checks on the Nagios service

Yes, you can trigger alerts. For service up and down and warning but that’s it.

Hi Kelvin,
The nagios fping checks are referred to the same fping adjustment I did on config.php for cron checks?

Or there is any other file where I can adjust intervals of fping checks on the Nagios service

that i do not know