I have two different issues here. Obviously, I don’t expect the LibreNMS community to fix the switch sending incomplete information. Hopefully, we can rectify the other, however.
- The switch returning incomplete information.
- The NMS formatting it incorrectly.
I have done the snmpget request in the same order as the screen shot from the NMS.
The snmpget isn’t returning all of the information one would care about (not enough digits for precision) and the NMS is introducing a few extra decimal points.
[redacted]:~$ /usr/bin/snmpget -v3 -l authPriv -u [redacted] -a SHA -A [redacted] -x AES -X [redacted] [redacted] . . . . .
iso. = INTEGER: 3
iso. = INTEGER: 15
iso. = INTEGER: 39
iso. = INTEGER: -6
iso. = INTEGER: -6SFP Detail Diagnostics Information (internal calibration)
Current Alarms Warnings Measurement High Low High Low
Temperature 39.67 C 100.00 C -50.00 C 85.00 C -40.00 C
Voltage 3.35 V 3.79 V 2.80 V 3.46 V 3.13 V
Current 15.75 mA 90.00 mA 0.00 mA 85.00 mA 0.00 mA
Tx Power -6.10 dBm -1.50 dBm -10.50 dBm -3.00 dBm -9.03 dBm
Rx Power -6.12 dBm -3.00 dBm -26.98 dBm -5.00 dBm -23.97 dBm
Transmit Fault Count = 0Note: ++ high-alarm; + high-warning; – low-alarm; - low-warning