InfluxDB update of CustomOID

When I’m using more than one CustomOID’s in LibreNMS, their data is stored to InfluxDB without any specific tags (like "id’ or ‘description’) - only device hostname.
It’s impossible to separate data from different Sensors of CustomOID type in InfluxDB.
Any idea how I can solve this?
==== how this problem is looks like in poller: (one of my customOID’s)
array (
‘customoid_id’ => 10,
‘device_id’ => 6,
‘customoid_descr’ => ‘Broadlink Power’,
‘customoid_deleted’ => 0,
‘customoid_current’ => 69.56,
‘customoid_prev’ => 69.24,
‘customoid_oid’ => ‘.’,
‘customoid_datatype’ => ‘’,
‘customoid_unit’ => ‘W’,
‘customoid_divisor’ => 1,
‘customoid_multiplier’ => 1,
‘customoid_limit’ => 80.0,
‘customoid_limit_warn’ => NULL,
‘customoid_limit_low’ => 30.0,
‘customoid_limit_low_warn’ => NULL,
‘customoid_alert’ => 1,
‘customoid_passed’ => 1,
‘lastupdate’ => ‘2020-09-15 08:55:06’,
‘user_func’ => NULL,
SNMP[’/usr/bin/snmpget’ ‘-v2c’ ‘-c’ ‘COMMUNITY’ ‘-Oqv’ ‘-M’ ‘/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/supermicro - dell’ ‘udp:HOSTNAME:161’ ‘.’]

Custom OID Broadlink Power: 69.36 W
InfluxDB data: {“measurement”:“customoid”,“tags”:{“hostname”:“hive”},“fields”:{“oid_value”:69.36}}
SQL[UPDATE customoids set customoid_current=?,lastupdate=NOW(),customoid_prev=? WHERE customoid_id = ? [69.36,69.56,10] 7.82ms]

====== another ‘good’ working sensor example:
SQL[SELECT sensor_class FROM sensors WHERE device_id = ? GROUP BY sensor_class [6] 0.59ms]
SQL[SELECT * FROM sensors WHERE sensor_class = ? AND device_id = ? [“fanspeed”,6] 0.69ms]

SNMP[’/usr/bin/snmpget’ ‘-v2c’ ‘-c’ ‘COMMUNITY’ ‘-OUQnte’ ‘-M’ ‘/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/supermicro - dell’ ‘udp:HOSTNAME:161’ ‘.’]
.. = 1070

Checking (snmp) fanspeed fan2…

InfluxDB data: {“measurement”:“sensor”,“tags”:{“hostname”:“hive”,“sensor_class”:“fanspeed”,“sensor_type”:“lmsensors”,“sensor_descr”:“fan2”,“sensor_index”:“17”},“fields”:{“sensor”:1070.0}}
SQL[UPDATE sensors set sensor_current=?,sensor_prev=?,lastupdate=NOW() WHERE sensor_class = ? AND sensor_id = ? [1070,1055,“Fanspeed”,120] 7.65ms]
(here I can use sensor_descr or sensor_index to get fn2 speed value)