Installation in multiple VMs

Good morning,

I wanted advice about my installation. I have a layout where I would like: 1 ubuntu VM with LibreNMS with web interface (apache) and MariaDB and 1 VM with RRDTool, RRDCached, NFS and librenms without gui because I want this VM to stock the RRD files and do the polling.

I want to know how to do that, and I have two questions:

  1. Is this possible?
  2. Will the polling send the RRD to the first vm or store them thanks to RRDCached on the second VM which it will send the RRD to the main VM thanks to NFS?

I apologize if it is not clear I remain available for any questions.

Thanks for the help.

the rrdcached server does not need librenms on it. It also doesn’t require NFS, but without NFS, you will face issues when you rename devices.

You have outlined the most basic (and best) way of horizontally scaling LibreNMS.

Good morning,

I’m sorry I don’t understand how to do this installation I tried but nothing does it after . /valide.php no connection to the bdd and even on my main vm.

I can’t find a concrete explanation about the configuration of rrdcached and sometimes in the online documentation it is said to use redis but after we are told to install memcached I am lost…

I summarize I try to install Librenms and my bdd in one vm and in the other I want what do the polling, stock the rrd files and share the rrd to my main server.

Anyone at a walkthrough how to make a horizontal installation?

Thanks for your help.

