IPAM Integration

Just an idea: for setting “ignore” or “disable”, why not go through API?


#curl -X PATCH -d ‘{“field”: “disabled”,“data”:“1”}’ -H ‘X-Auth-Token: <MY_TOKEN>’ https://<LIBRENMS>/api/v0/devices/<HOSTNAME>

+1 for Netbox

I used netbox as well… its awesome

+1 for netbox

+1 for phpIPAM

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+1 for netbox

+1 for phpIPAM

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+1 for phpipam

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+1 for netbox

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+1 for netbox

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Looking to implement IPAM, is there any progress selecting one for integration?

I have started down this path by integrating NetBox and LibreNMS.

Using custom links in both tools, I link nodes.

This post has a nice interface graph script for populating in NetBox.

Either through webhooks or export-templates I am looking to auto add devices to LibreNMS from NetBox.

Importing IPAM info from NetBox would likely require a lot more thought.


Thanks for the update.

That’s really useful and the route I’m looking to take.
The main issue is that the data is purely a link and not integrated, there wouldn’t be anything to create a ‘tie’ to the data we believe ‘should’ be stored from Netbox to what’s actually in plan in LibreNMS, which is where the value of integrating a ‘Source of Truth’ solution.

It would also be difficult to alert if the correct IP from Netbox is no longer in use in LibreNMS.

Perhaps needs some thought as you suggested from an integration perspective.

Kind regards

Previous link was broken from ryanmerolle

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+1 for phpIPAM


IPAM would be great. Hell even a better reporting view of the IP addressed currently monitored and where they are in play would be great.

4 and a half years and still no integration :frowning:

+1 yes IPAM will be a big step forward.

+1 for Netbox Integration

An idea I am playing around with is having Netbox as a source of inventory and then I have my ecosystem refer to that for all inventory purposes. Ansible/automation scripts would pull inventory from it as would monitoring systems like LibreNMS, Nagios, Cati, etc. It would also allow me to break things out so I could specialize LibreNMS servers, and have one server dedicated to one region, vendor, or network segment.

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+1 for phpIPAM