IPAM Integration

For NIPAP, PHPIpam or similar, using their API’s.


This would be awesome. Preferably integration with a free, OpenSource solution

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I’ve been looking at netbox https://github.com/digitalocean/netbox and meaning to enquire on IRC if anyone has tried integrating it.

Looks quite interesting and might be a good fit.


:thumbsup: for netbox integration


I deployed, and tested netbox. My biggest issues with it was lack of easy use concerning VMs. I really just want something to replace racktables, where I can just say “this is a server. It’s virtual. Here are the stats”. My servers are in AWS, they are in internal, corporate “clouds” managed by other teams. Their hosts are complete blackboxes to us, yet we have more than a hundred VMs to manage. I can’t just take the hypervisor, define it and then attach the VMs to it as we know nothing about the hypervisor.

Other than that, it was neat.

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Sounds like something they might address, you’re unlikely to be the only one in that scenario.

I think I’ll spin it up myself and try it.

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+1 for phpIPAM. It has REST API. PhpIPAM’s snmp discovery is very limited and require that data mostly feeded with csv files or with API.
If LibreNMS could feed it with devices and networks attached to them, IPAM discovery even for large installations will be alot easier.


Yes. That would be AMAZING.

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@Rosiak what needs to happen for this to be a thing? How can I help?

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Also i think good to read from ipam:

  1. rack info, position and neighbors for device maybe even rack picture but i doubt it is possible
  2. supernets and nested subnets info
  3. ip’s requested from device or assigned to it but not yet present

Time - which I personally don’t have at the moment.

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We use Netbox, it’s a great tool for IPAM. I love DCIM’s section but it miss some functions ( Patch panels).


Seconded, NetBox is awesome.


+1 for phpIPAM


+1! :sunny:

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Buy Bitcoin! And IPAM pls!

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Has anyone thought of of integrating LibreNMS with iTop. I think that will be also cool:grinning:

+1 for phpIPAM

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ok excelent ,+1

Native IPAM within LibreNMS would be even better than Netbox integration :slight_smile: