IPSec tunnel monitoring

Hello, trying to monitor my IPSec tunnels. From Cyberoams devices.
I already requested the integration of the Cyberoam devices into LibreNMS because they were recognised as standard snmp devices.
Thanks to Neil Lathwood “laf” who included the Cyberoams into LibreNMS.

But I still see only one tunnel in the ports when I have more than 6 different IPSec tunnels in that host. I wish to monitor those IPSec tunnels in order to get alert messages when they are down.

Is there some configuration that I have missed?

Many Thanks.


Were you able to monitor the tunnel?

I Thing it is a general bug with ipsec. I seen to have the same situation with Cisco ipsec only showing som of the ipsec sessions.


Hello, Sorry for the delay, the answer is no, I was not able to do it because it only shows one IPSEC connection instead of my 8 IPSec connections.

For me,

From the GUI, I created a new “alert rule” with

%ipsec_tunnels.tunnel_status = “1”
%ipsec_tunnels.tunnel_status = “0”

Both of them shows as up all the time, even when one of the tunnel is down.