Is there a librenms+oxidized prepackaged container?

Is there a librenms+oxidized prepackaged container or something else ?

Not together, both are officially available as separate containers which is better practice for managing and updating. Oxidized is standalone software, LibreNMS happens to nicely integrate with it :slight_smile:

oxidized -
librenms -

Thanks for your answer.
I’ve tried to be lazzy but that’s not working ^^

(i’m currently testing librenms through OVA build and already have an oxidized instance working (but not linked yet)

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Found something.
The OVA : already contains Oxidized but not configured.
This is a start :smiley:

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Nice! did not know that :slight_smile:

I have a decent setup for this…
Just created the github repo for it and I’m going to split up the readme into separate TXT files for readability.

But it might be what you’re looking for.