Issue getting power data from Geist(Vertiv) PDUs

Hi LibreNMS Community.

I’ve got seven Geist PDUs that aren’t reporting any power data in LibreNMS. They have been connected for about 2 weeks now and only able to report up/down, system, and poller status graphs. I just moved these over from my Observium instance previously. Power was successfully reporting in Observium using GEIST-V3-MIB. It appears that the PDUs are being misclassified as an environment device and not a power device. Possibly an OID mismatch? Removing and re-adding the devices did not solve the issue either. I also made sure to run the ./ script too.

Geist PDU Models

Both PDU models are using the Geist IMD3 module for monitoring over SNMP.

Reported Operating System in LibreNMS
Geist Watchdog

Reported Object ID of the Geist IMD3

I followed some previous help articles to run the .discovery.php -d -h <host ip> script and scripts to see if LibreNMS just didn’t find all the OID’s yet, but that hasn’t made a difference unfortunately. When running the Discovery script against one of the PDUs. It recognizes it’s a Geist PDU and does match on some of the OIDs, but there are a number of lines that report “No Such Object available on this agent at this OID”.

I also ran snmpwalk against the same PDU specifying which MIB file to use with the -m flag. GEIST-MIB-V3, GEIST-V4-MIB, and GEIST-V5-MIB(I downloaded this from my PDU and added it) in /opt/librenms/mibs/geist were unable to adopt to the OIDs.

I’m at a loss at the moment and would appreciate some assistance as all my links are purple in Google and my problem still exists. Thanks in advance.

i’m having the same problem, did you manage to resolve it?

Hi @itsnikko @seismiccollision
It seems that LibreNMS does not support this device. You’ll need to implement support or wait until somebody does it.
You can start with :
Please provide all the required data when opening the feature request, that will be necessary to implement support for somebody not owning the device.