Issues with FreeIPA


Having a issue getting LibreNMS to auth to FreeIPA. I read through the article here and followed the help I found in there.

But when I try and use the auth_test.php all I get is:

./scripts/auth_test.php -v -u myadmin
Authentication Method: ldap-authorization
Authenticate user myadmin:

Which it will just sit there until I ctrl-c it. Can’t find any logs to show it’s trying to connect or that it’s failing to connect.

Any suggestions to get more output?

If i try and use the -d option I get:

./scripts/auth_test.php -d -u myadmin
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class ‘LibreNMS\Util\Debug’ not found in /opt/librenms/scripts/auth_test.php:21
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
thrown in /opt/librenms/scripts/auth_test.php on line 21


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