It possible to migrate from Observium to LibreNMS on the same server

hi all,

I started using librenms and now I want to stop observium but before I want to move my data from observium to librenms .
I found this script of dan but is it possible to do this in the same serveur ???

Those scripts should/will work on the same server, if you don’t want to figure things out just dummy the script to use for ssh so it will connect to itself and copy data.

Ok thanks i will try this


I did it, but you do not need to convert to xml and restore to rrd in the librenms server,
If I understood correctly It is only a question of law when we move the data .rrd from observium to librenms the right of read is lost, and we have only to add it in the directory rrd of librenms,while when we converted to xml and we restore in /rrd librenms this right is kept.

Unfortunately the name for difirent metrics in observium and librenms isn’t the same like poller-perf == perf-poller or for the ports, the id is different and librenms isn’t programmed to read the metric name generate by observium.

but i have another solution i will deploy observium and librenms for a moment

i have a last question please in observium my colleague Had installed the weathermap in observium and i saw you already mentioned this on librenms , this plugin is’t already installed in the finally version of librenms or not yet. ??

thank you.

You have to install the plugin.

great, thank you @Kevin_Krumm

hi @Kevin_Krumm

I did all steps, only the step 3

I do not know why but I have not accessed in the page editor.php to creat map
I look at the page editor.php i don’t find mistake.

So you didn’t do Step 3? If you are seeing page can not be found …sounds like a permission issue re run
chown apache:apache configs

excuse me
I was wrong the step 3 i did it
is the step 4 i can’t do it

I just redo it but i have the same probleme

isn’t probleme of update because I found this Weathermap editor.php gives HTTP error 500
but I am looking for how can i update this plugin and i don’t find

heres how mine is setup…maybe if it will help you.

i haven’t the
Is it normal you had

You had download it using this address ?

those are my custom maps.

Yes i got from GitHub - librenms-plugins/Weathermap

Check your file permissions some of your files are root and should be librenms.

It does not work
It does not matter I’ll look for one more thank you very much :Small_smile:

Ports should convert but you need to convert to using ifIndex for the port association afaik.

hi @Kevin_Krumm

I solved the problem it was the path
$ Librenms_base = ‘…/…/’;
Before I modify it was $ Librenms_base = ‘…/…/…/’;

thank you for your help

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