I’m having issues adding new ping-only devices - the devices are added just fine, and everything works apart from the latency graphs. These two files do not get created and the web UI shows an error:
This only affects new devices. My pre-existing ping-only devices are working fine, graphs and all.
I don’t know when this problem was introduced - I haven’t added a ping-only device for a long time before today. I did notice this recent change in the github log though, and thought it might be related.
I can reproduce this easily, by simply adding a new ping-only device to any reachable address, e.g.
Component | Version
--------- | -------
LibreNMS | 24.3.0-26-g36d14480f (2024-04-19T16:22:06+01:00)
DB Schema | 2024_04_10_093513_remove_device_perf (291)
PHP | 8.1.11
Python | 3.7.3
Database | MariaDB 10.3.36-MariaDB-0+deb10u2
RRDTool | 1.7.1
SNMP | 5.7.3
[OK] Composer Version: 2.7.2
[OK] Dependencies up-to-date.
[OK] Database connection successful
[OK] Database Schema is current
[OK] SQL Server meets minimum requirements
[OK] lower_case_table_names is enabled
[OK] MySQL engine is optimal
[OK] Database and column collations are correct
[OK] Database schema correct
[OK] MySQL and PHP time match
[OK] Active pollers found
[OK] Dispatcher Service not detected
[OK] Locks are functional
[OK] Python poller wrapper is polling
[OK] Redis is unavailable
[OK] rrd_dir is writable
[OK] rrdtool version ok
Would it be advisable to generate bulk rrd migration commands to run manually on the rrdcached server?
As it stands, the latest major changes to ping graphing have completely broken all installs using rrdcached. Migration isn’t happening, polled data is being lost and ping graphs aren’t displaying because icmp-perf.rrd is never getting created.
I tried to add a new device to be monitored with ping only and in the overview page where ICMP graph should be, it shows this error: Error Drawing Graph: ERROR: unknown option ‘–left-axis-format’
So it seems the bug is still affecting devices that were being monitored before and newly added devices.
I had the same problem, but after ugrading rrdtool it was fixed.
Which version of rrdtool do you have? If you are running Red Hat/CentOS/Linux 7 then it would be 1.4.8. Upgrade to a higher version like 1.7 or 1.8 and it should be fixed after the poller has run.
I was/am running the latest version of rrdtool (1.8.0) and rrdcached.
In order to get mine fixed, I had to shutdown rrdcached, copy all the rrd files locally to librenms, run librenms for a few polling cycles, and then shut everything down again and put the files back with rrdcached. A real pain, but it works.