Libre - Alert Rule for Logins


Looked at the Libre Documentation and can’t see anything on this,

Trying to setup an alert for Logins, whether they be successful or unauthorised, however each alert is showing Logins in general from previous days, rather than new logins.

Currently using:

SELECT * FROM devices,syslog WHERE (devices.device_id = ? AND devices.device_id = syslog.device_id) AND syslog.msg LIKE ‘%LOGIN_SUCCESS%’ AND (NOW()) = 1

Is there something I am missing with this?

Any help Is Greatly Appreciated



Instead the NOW part, use the macros.past_5m in the alert builder

Thanks The GreatDoc,

I don’t seem to have that option avaliable, guessing I would need to create that macro in the config.php

(syslog.timestamp >= (DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 5 MINUTE))



Mmmm, im almost sure macros.past_Xm is included by default…

Cant check right now :frowning:

Do you know how I would setup this macro?

Hi The Great Doc,

I found this online

SELECT * FROM syslog WHERE (syslog.device_id = ?) && (syslog.timestamp > = (DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 5 MINUTE)) && syslog.msg REGEXP “.LOGIN_SUCCESS” )

If I use the override SQL do you think this will work?

