I currently have Librenms setup to show nfsen netflow data in it’s web UI. Is it possible to to have the nfsen web ui available in a separate tab as well, both available from appache? I would like to be able to use/see the Flowdoh nfsen plugin.
yes, just open another browser tab.
This is a really late reply…what address do I use? Librenms address:, nfsen address ? Nfsen address = 404 Not Found
No ideas? On Discord it was suggested that I use the SmokePing docs as a guide to get nfsen to use the localhost url. SmokePing is still accessible at this address http://localhost/cgi-bin/smokeping.cgi?target=firewall.10_0_1_1 I would like to accomplish the same with nfsen.
I’m not a sophisticated enough user to really understand how to accomplish this using the SmokePing docs so any help would be appreciated.
Still looking for an answer to this and please don’t suggest just opening another browser tab unless you have a url for me. Maybe you can tell me how to change the url for nfsen so librenms and nfsen can coexist on the same box at different urls.
I found a way to get both sites up and running here How To Configure Apache Virtual Hosts In Ubuntu 18.04 LTS - OSTechNix
Now I’m running into a different problem after getting this set up all my configured devices are no longer logging or connected. I deleted and re added a device with the same ip as before and now it’s connected and sending snmp data, librenms sees the device but it is not seeing/logging the snmp data