Dear All,
Devices are reported in the Dashboard->Availability Map in the colour of amber. Would someone provide an explanation of how the colours are assigned to the device. My reason for this question is there are a number of devices which are “up” yet appear with the amber icon in the Availability Map?
My understanding is the colour reflects the highest event severity recorded in the event database.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
Best regards.
Green means device is up.
Amber means device was restarted in the last 24 hours.
Hello Kevin,
Many thanks for your prompt reply to me.
Kevin, is there a way, using the web management interface, to acknowledge events. Would acknowledging an event change it colour to green?
No, unless somebody codes that.
Hello again Kevin,
Thanks for the prompt reply again. Thought so. Probably best not to delete events. They are a record of activity of the network/devices/application and so forth.
I have update the config.php from 86400 seconds to 3600 seconds. I will wait for the result.
Best regards,