Librenms database on NDB Cluster

Hello everybody,

I don’t see anything in the documentation about installing librenms database on a ndb cluster

Is it possible at all ?
Is a documentation on how to convert database from innodb to ndb ? I did some tests, but it always ends with a error…

Does anybody succeed in this process of migration ?

Thank you for any answers.


I haven’t heard of anyone using it but that’s not to say people aren’t.

What was the error?

As a last ressort, you could always do a plain, full SQL dump and re-import in of the target system. That should always work.

I tried different things :
Convert tables from InnoDB to NDB (or NDBCLUSTER) fails with :
ERROR 3776 (HY000): Cannot change table’s storage engine because the table participates in a foreign key constraint.

Modifiyng storage engine from InnoDB to NDB (or NDBCLUSTER) fails :
cat /tmp/librenms_pro.sql | mysql bco
ERROR 1215 (HY000) at line 571: Cannot add foreign key constraint

So as expected there is something with foreign_keys.

But, I though , as from MySQL 8, foreign_keys was fully supported by NDB engine, but it seems that is not true :slightly_frowning_face:

Also, I read some doc about replacing foreign keys with triggers .
But will it break database validation process at next (daily) update ?