Dear All,
REcently, I had a strange issue with the sms/alerts sent from librenms to mobile phones coming as ‘multimedia’ messages. There is not content but only date and time. Please help me. I am attaching the template file below for references:
{{ $alert->title }}
Device Name: {{ $alert->hostname }}
Severity: {{ $alert->severity }}
@if ($alert->state == 0) Time elapsed: {{ $alert->elapsed }} @endif
Timestamp: {{ $alert->timestamp }}
Rule: @if ($alert->name) {{ $alert->name }} @else {{ $alert->rule }} @endif
@foreach ($alert->faults as $key => $value)
Physical Interface: $value['ifDescr']
Interface Description: $value['ifAlias']
Interface Speed: @php echo ($value['ifSpeed']/1000000000); @endphp Gbs
Inbound Utilization: @php echo (($value['ifInOctets_rate']*8)/$value['ifSpeed'])*100; @endphp%
Outbound Utilization: @php echo (($value['ifOutOctets_rate']*8)/$value['ifSpeed'])*100; @endphp%
Please help.