Would anyone know why or what would cause my processor to spike starting last September? I understand that when our instance is polling the 400+ devices which we have in it that it will show the processor being utilized as that is “when the work” is being performed from the poller. However, if you look at the graph prior to September it was pretty stable. I have a cron job which reloads the server every Monday.
Why do you need to reload the server?
Have to add any devices since September 2021 ?
Is this is a virtual machine ?
Thanks for asking I should’ve included that information this is not a virtual server, I have set up the Cron job for no good reason honestly it’s just what I’ve been doing. I’m more concerned at this point why the CPU is behaving differently on the server opposed to the way that it was behaving before September. When I look at the CPU using the top command I cannot really see anything that’s taxing it. Also we have added devices since September, however not that many
check the poller logs
Thanks for the reply, could you provide some guidance on what it is that I should be looking for in the poller_wrapper.log? It shows all of the devices being polled and at the end it says this, am I looking at the correct log file?
2022-02-11 19:57:52,620 :: INFO :: poller-wrapper checked 428 devices in 170 seconds with 24 workers with 0 errors
poller log not the wrapper
Thanks, I have checked that but I’m unaware of what I should be looking for in it as it only shows information like such as what is listed below, which I do find odd since the date on it is from 20210811 and I don’t have anything from after that particular date in the log file…
Totally off the subject at hand but my “librenms.log” is 88Gb in size, I have plenty of HDD space so it’s not of a concern. However, I was wondering if it should be purged/deleted and let a new one start.
2021-08-11 00:18:01,283 :: INFO :: worker Thread-50 finished device 862 in 2 seconds
2021-08-11 00:18:01,339 :: INFO :: worker Thread-62 finished device 870 in 3 seconds
2021-08-11 00:18:01,380 :: INFO :: worker Thread-65 finished device 777 in 3 seconds
2021-08-11 00:18:01,620 :: INFO :: worker Thread-36 finished device 767 in 3 seconds
2021-08-11 00:18:01,824 :: INFO :: worker Thread-57 finished device 815 in 3 seconds
2021-08-11 00:18:02,036 :: INFO :: worker Thread-46 finished device 823 in 2 seconds
2021-08-11 00:18:02,112 :: INFO :: worker Thread-61 finished device 873 in 2 seconds
2021-08-11 00:18:02,322 :: INFO :: worker Thread-27 finished device 490 in 4 seconds
2021-08-11 00:18:02,601 :: INFO :: worker Thread-48 finished device 768 in 3 seconds
2021-08-11 00:18:02,779 :: INFO :: worker Thread-42 finished device 878 in 2 seconds
2021-08-11 00:18:02,824 :: INFO :: worker Thread-49 finished device 163 in 3 seconds
2021-08-11 00:18:03,234 :: INFO :: worker Thread-29 finished device 128 in 3 seconds
2021-08-11 00:18:03,308 :: INFO :: worker Thread-31 finished device 771 in 3 seconds
2021-08-11 00:18:03,488 :: INFO :: worker Thread-33 finished device 447 in 3 seconds
2021-08-11 00:18:03,506 :: INFO :: worker Thread-55 finished device 155 in 3 seconds
2021-08-11 00:18:03,695 :: INFO :: worker Thread-39 finished device 452 in 2 seconds
2021-08-11 00:18:03,782 :: INFO :: worker Thread-71 finished device 130 in 3 seconds
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