Link to smokeping on latency tab

Good day
After some use of smokeping graphs in LibreNMS, I realized that the graphs that smokeping draws in his web-interface are more understandable (for me). Could you add a link for smokeping to the latenсy tab?

In resources/views/device/tabs/latency.blade.php instead

<span class="panel-title">@lang('Smokeping')</span>

should be

<a href="/smokeping?target={{ $device->type }}.{{ str_replace('.','_',$device->hostname) }}" target="_blank"><span class="panel-title">@lang('Smokeping')</span></a>

in my case link to smokeping is hardcoded, but maybe a link to the smokeping interface could be set in the global settings.


Please check (and test if you can)

works like a charm, thanks.

but I don’t understand why I see the name of the tab in the settings as " settings.sections.external.smokeping" but not “Smokeping Integration”. and I had to do all the settings in config.php. I decided to check it and removed the settings from the config.php and left only the settings on the web, but the smokepage tab disappeared from the latency tab. I understand that this most likely does not apply to the patch, but I would like to understand what is happening.

Umh… Not sure. It is in the translation file…

after an overnight daily update, everything was fine.
thanks again.

I don’t want to be intrusive, but maybe you’ll look at my other request related to smokeping? :slight_smile: