Linux Server shows up as a Generic Device


I have a bunch of RHEL 6 Servers that show up as Generic Devices Is this normal? Is there a generic SNMPD config I should have on my RHEL server so LibreNMS can poll it all?

Same with Cisco Unity Connection, that shows up as a Generic Device.

Thanks in advance,


Generic device or Generic Linux ?

Generic Device. under Operating System.

Thanks for reply.


Can you post the result of ./discovery.php -h HOSTNAME -d? Red hat is supported as I know :confused:

Its pretty long, I need to scrub it a little before I post.


[root@librenms librenms]# ./discovery.php -h -d


Part 2 -


Part 3

[…] please

Thanks for that. -Mike

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Can you post the result of ./validate.php? I think that your LibreNMS version is very old.

The install is very very old. You’ll need to update before people can help further.

The “./” script runs every day. is that not updating?

check your cron /etc/cron.d/librenms

it looks good:

33 */6 * * * librenms /opt/librenms/discovery.php -h all >> /dev/null 2>&1
*/5 * * * * librenms /opt/librenms/discovery.php -h new >> /dev/null 2>&1
*/5 * * * * librenms /opt/librenms/cronic /opt/librenms/ 16
15 0 * * * librenms /opt/librenms/ >> /dev/null 2>&1

          • librenms /opt/librenms/alerts.php >> /dev/null 2>&1
            */5 * * * * librenms /opt/librenms/check-services.php >> /dev/null 2>&1

check you config.php see if you have updates enabled?


I could not post yesterday as I went over my limit of posts.

I fixed my issue. the config.php was missing the “1” for updates.

All is well on that front. but I keep on getting a ABRT alert which I will post in another post.

Thanks for all your help -


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