Looking for Memcached document

I have searched through the help requests and they all point to a section of the docs that I can’t seem to find (extensions/memcached). I am attempting to setup distributed polling and want to make sure everything is configured correctly, but am missing the initial piece of the puzzle.


All the docs you need are in the distributed polling doc.

You can run this check ./validate.php -g distributedpoller

I have started following the docs, but am getting a couple errors.

For reference my setup is as follows:
1 LibreNMS server running full install via install docs for ubuntu and nginx (web, db, poller, etc)
2 Working to configure poller at remote sites to handle snmp/icmp polling of devices local to the remote poller
3 installed memcached via apt install memcached
4 installed rrdcached via apt install rrdcached (followed rrdcached install doc for original install) made changes to the rrdcached file (/etc/default/rrdcached) per distributed poller doc

When I run ./validate.php is says missing php extension: memcached and cannot connect to rrdcached instance

Any suggestions for something I can look at?


Install the php memcached extension. Make sure you configure rrdcached access on all librenms installs (not just the “poller”)


I think I have the primary server working correctly. Now for the remote poller.

Quick question for clarification: on the remote poller, when I install LibreNMS per the docs, can I skip the DB install and point to the primary server in the configuration?

skip db, point to central db server

Thanks for the information. I greatly appreciate it.

would this be the correct package:

apt install php-memcached

Likely yes.