In the web interface the VLAN numbers are available for tagged ports but they are not available through the API. This is available for untagged ports, but probably because it’s implemented differently in the database. If it matters, I’m currently testing with Arista EOS devices.
Example of untagged port which returns the VLAN in the ifVlan field:
Example of tagged port:
interface Ethernet3
description Cust: #SECRET#
switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20-25,100,114,351
switchport mode trunk
API results of tagged port:
The data is available in the database:
MariaDB [librenms]> SELECT port_id,ifVlan FROM ports WHERE port_id=1497;
| port_id | ifVlan |
| 1497 | 1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
MariaDB [librenms]> SELECT port_vlan_id,port_id,vlan FROM ports_vlans WHERE port_id=1497;
| port_vlan_id | port_id | vlan |
| 661 | 1497 | 10 |
| 668 | 1497 | 20 |
| 675 | 1497 | 21 |
| 694 | 1497 | 22 |
| 713 | 1497 | 23 |
| 719 | 1497 | 24 |
| 725 | 1497 | 25 |
| 757 | 1497 | 100 |
| 763 | 1497 | 114 |
| 784 | 1497 | 351 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Maybe a new function under the ports entrypoint that returns a list of vlans for every port ID?