Meraki IPv6 SNMP not working

My validate is clean, (well, php 8 - I’ll get to that) so I don’t think posting that would help, I’ll get straight to the point in the interest of brevity. (yes, the IPs are fake from the documentation ranges)

Single switch with IPv4 and IPv6 address.

This works:

librenms@nacho:~$ ./addhost.php  ap v3 fake_name "fake_password" "more_fake_password" sha des 161 udp
Added device (1838)

Works, delhost.php & now let’s try the IPV6 route. (Up arrow, change IP only to IPv6)

librenms@nacho:~$ ./addhost.php 2001:db8::dead:beef ap v3 fake_name "fake_password" "more_fake_password" sha des 161 udp
Could not connect to 2001:db8::dead:beef, please check the snmp details and snmp reachability
  SNMP v3: No reply with credentials (yada yada)
  SNMP v3: No reply with credentials (more yada)

Firewall must be blocking snmp, right?

$ snmpwalk -v 3 -u fake_name -l authPriv -A "fake_password" -a sha -X "another_fake_password" -x DES 2001:db8::dead:beef
SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0 = STRING: Meraki MS225-48FP Cloud Managed PoE Switch
yada yada

Nope, that works… IPv4 as well, though that was already proved…

$snmpwalk -v 3 -u fake_name -l authPriv -A "fake_password" -a sha -X "another_fake_password" -x DES
SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0 = STRING: Meraki MS225-48FP Cloud Managed PoE Switch
yada yada

I’m perplexed, there’s nothing in the addhost code that’s IPv6 specific, and I got lost searching somewhere in app/Models/Device.php. Debugging tips appreciated, thanks.

v2c working …
/addhost.php -g 99 fd00:1:254::99 XXXXXXXX v2c 161 udp6

mistake is :

“fake_password” “more_fake_password” sha des 161 udp

it should be udp6

Blymey… Thanks

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