Microsoft Teams Transport - Failed (General Error)


We realized that we are experiencing the same situation in 10-15 different places, and we are looking for a solution. We can create notifications with powershell and curl, but the php script is suddenly broken.

 :: Transport msteams => SQL[select * from `alert_transports` where `alert_transports`.`transport_id` = ? limit 1 [2] 0.27ms] 
string(43) "Microsoft Teams returned Error, retry later"
string(49) "Bad payload received by generic incoming webhook."
string(0) ""
ERRORSQL[insert into `eventlog` (`reference`, `type`, `datetime`, `severity`, `message`, `username`, `device_id`) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [null,null,"2023-01-19 22:30:41",5,"Could not issue critical alert for rule 'Cihaz Erisim Hatasi' to transport 'msteams'","",471] 0.38ms] 
