Mikrotik powerbox pro System voltage not reporting

We have several RB960PGS(Hex Poes) that properly report system voltage, and just deployed an RB960PGS-PB(powerbox pro - hex poe in outdoor case) however libre doesn’t seem to pull the system voltage. The OID is the same as the RB960PGS(which it does pull), and I can do an snmp get for that OID and get the expected value. Do you have any suggestions on where to look for this?
Discovery Pastebin: https://p.libren.ms/view/d784ec6f

Poller Pastebin: https://p.libren.ms/view/077921d0


What is the OID?

OID is .

Also (and I know this is offtopic but I have nowhere else to ask) - where the heck is the ‘new thread’ button on this forum? I want to start another thread and ask a different question but I cannot for the life of me see how I can create a thread, only reply to existing ones

top right

This is only picked up in swos rather than routeros. I’m assuming the other unit you have is being picked up as swos?

we can add that OID to routeros though, our test data has it in so it seems correct.

I’ve submitted a pull request to resolve this: Added additional voltage sensor for RouterOS by laf · Pull Request #16979 · librenms/librenms · GitHub

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