Mismatched PHP Versions

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  • The output of ./validate.php

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I’m running into an issue where the GUI “About” page is showing a different PHP version than the validate.php script when running from the CLI.

About Page:

Version 1.33-335-g7e03905e6 - Tue Jan 09 2018 15:47:33 GMT-0500
DB Schema #228
Web Server Apache
PHP 5.4.45
MySQL 5.6.35-81.0
RRDtool 1.4.7

CLI validate.php


Component Version
LibreNMS 1.33-338-gd515f5043
DB Schema 228
PHP 7.1.10
MySQL 5.6.35-81.0
RRDTool 1.4.7


I very much doubt this is a librenms thing.

If you are running php-fpm, have you restarted it since a php update maybe?

Hi Laf,

Yep it was just our system. We use SCL to run multiple versions of PHP on our systems and something didn’t like when I switched to 7.1. Got it resolved though.
