Monitoring Mikrotik BGP edge router ... sharing my ideas

Hi guys , im new at librenms.
Im trying to build a nice monitor platform to take care on our mikrotik edge router.

We need to monitor/send notifications on bgp sessions state and default route changes.
Since Mikrotik does not provide bpg information over snmp, I came up with following idea:
Forward log messages from mikrotik to librensm and create an alert rule based on regexp and timestamp.

This was working ok adding syslog to librenms with ng-syslog.
As soon as I sent 4 log lines with logger utility , system cpu goes to 100%.
I will investigate it a little bit more.

Other idea would be to set a 5mins crontab script at mikrotik that send bgp info to librenms api.
I will analize this option if can not get syslog into work.

I apretiate your thoughts about this.
Lets share ideas and get a solution!!