Need some help creating a custom alert rule for Checkpoint concurrent connections

I have about 50 Checkpoint firewall clusters being monitored with my LibreNMS instance. I’d like to create some alerting around the percentage of concurrent connections allowed on each gateway. I found that the current connections are stored in the sensors table with a sensor_index of “fwNumConn.0” and the connection limit is stored in another row with a sensor_index of “fwConnTableLimit.0”.

My question is, How to I do math against two different rows/OID’s in a macro or alert rule? I’d like LibreNMS to mark firewalls with over 80% of the limit used as “Warning” and 90% as “Critical”. I’m really rusty with TSQL so I’m struggling a bit to get this done in a single statement/macro.

Any help would be appreciated.

Does that “fwNumConn.0” row have a sensor_limit value listed? If it does, then it’s easy to test, and from that an alert rule is not much more work.

For example on a Palo device to use the sensor_limit to calculate percentage:

MariaDB [librenms]> select sensor_index, sensor_descr, sensor_current, sensor_limit, round((sensor_current/sensor_limit)*100,2) as sensor_perc from sensors where sensor_descr = 'Active Sessions' and sensor_limit > 0;
    | sensor_index       | sensor_descr    | sensor_current | sensor_limit | sensor_perc |
    | panSessionActive.0 | Active Sessions |            173 |        65534 |        0.26 |
    | panSessionActive.0 | Active Sessions |              3 |        65534 |        0.00 |
    | panSessionActive.0 | Active Sessions |            187 |        65534 |        0.29 |
    | panSessionActive.0 | Active Sessions |            191 |        65534 |        0.29 |

If no sensor_limit and it MUST be obtained from another row being “fwConnTableLimit.0” then it’s a far harder problem to solve with SQL and is well beyond my knowledge.

It probably points to the device discovery/parsing of these devices needing to put those limit values in the right spots in the sensors module so the native alerting works.

No, unfortunately I must get the limit from another sensor OID. In Nagios I wrote a custom script that would pull both OID’s and do the math in a bash script but I’m unable to figure out how to do it properly in LibreNMS.

MariaDB [librenms]> select device_id, sensor_index, sensor_descr, sensor_current, sensor_limit from sensors where (sensor_index = 'fwNumConn.0' or sensor_index = 'fwConnTableLimit.0') and device_id = 351;
| device_id | sensor_index       | sensor_descr                     | sensor_current | sensor_limit |
|       351 | fwNumConn.0        | Number of concurrent connections |           3509 |         NULL |
|       351 | fwConnTableLimit.0 | Limit of Connections table       |              0 |         NULL |
2 rows in set (0.009 sec)

Got me thinking … what if we join to the same table and get specific about the terms so we can match across rows for a device.

In the below I’ve just had to use some index I could find to simulate your issue, as I have no similar examples, however assume:

  1. ‘panSessionActiveUdp.0’ is your ‘fwNumConn.0’ (VALUE)
  2. ‘panSessionActive.0’ is your ‘fwConnTableLimit.0’ (LIMIT)
     round(curr.sensor_current/max.sensor_current*100,2) as perc 
     sensors curr, sensors max 
      curr.device_id = max.device_id 
      curr.sensor_index = 'panSessionActiveUdp.0'   <-- VALUE
      max.sensor_index = 'panSessionActive.0'       <-- LIMIT
MariaDB [librenms]> select curr.device_id, curr.sensor_index, curr.sensor_current, max.sensor_index, max.sensor_current, round(curr.sensor_current/max.sensor_current*100,2) as perc from sensors curr, sensors max where curr.device_id = max.device_id and curr.sensor_index = 'panSessionActiveUdp.0' and max.sensor_index = 'panSessionActive.0';
| device_id | sensor_index          | sensor_current | sensor_index       | sensor_current | perc   |
|         2 | panSessionActiveUdp.0 |              3 | panSessionActive.0 |              3 | 100.00 |
|        57 | panSessionActiveUdp.0 |            151 | panSessionActive.0 |            170 |  88.82 |
|        60 | panSessionActiveUdp.0 |            102 | panSessionActive.0 |            114 |  89.47 |
|         3 | panSessionActiveUdp.0 |            411 | panSessionActive.0 |            412 |  99.76 |

If you get that working, then you can strip it down to select *, filter for 80% in the where clause, and drag in the device table to do the normal disabled/ignored checking - in my example case, something like:

select * from sensors curr, sensors max, devices where devices.device_id = curr.device_id and curr.device_id = max.device_id and curr.device_id = ? and max.sensor_index = 'panSessionActive.0' and curr.sensor_index = 'panSessionActiveUdp.0' and curr.sensor_current/max.sensor_current >= 0.8 and (devices.status = 1 && (devices.disabled = 0 && devices.ignore = 0)) = 1;

Thank you! Your initial query worked great. I’m trying it out in an alert rule now. I’ll update with the results if/when it fires. I really need to dust off my SQL hat!!!

Taking the statement you gave me I applied this query:

select * from sensors curr, sensors max, devices where devices.device_id = curr.device_id and curr.device_id = max.device_id and curr.device_id = ? curr.sensor_index = 'fwNumConn.0' and max.sensor_index = 'fwConnTableLimit.0' and max.sensor_current > 0 and curr.sensor_current/max.sensor_current >= 0.80 and (devices.status = 1 && (devices.disabled = 0 && devices.ignore = 0)) = 1;

Added max.sensor_current > 0 because we have some firewalls set to automatically manage the connection limit and SNMP returns 0 for the limit value on those.

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