Hi there, new to LibreNMS and need some help. I have a very unstable network that I need to monitor. Timeouts and large gaps in connectivity are expected. (remote locations using cellular network) I am mainly doing ping only devices but have a handful using snmp to grab data.
I want to set up LibreNMS to tolerate outages as large as 30 minutes and ping with latency as high as 500 ms.
Hi @jtc242
The ping latency is easily changeable in the config.php file. You can find some details in the documentation here : https://docs.librenms.org/Extensions/Fast-Ping-Check/
Concerning the outages as big as 30 minutes, one easy way to do this is to change the alert definition. Instead of matching “device_up == false”, you can add a time criteria (macros are defined for this), and then the alert will appear only whatever minutes after the device turned down.
Please confirm but I thought fast ping was completely different than the underlying ping used to detect if a host is up. If it is possible to use only fast ping and not the “core” ping then that might be feasible.