Network map legend usage


I noticed on my network map that links have different thickness depending on interface speed. That’s great. I have also seen some other posts where links have different colors.

How can i achieve that with $config[network_map_legend] parameter? thickness and colors based on if speed.

As it turns out links betwwen nodes are changing color based on traffic amount. Looks good.
But navigation buttons are not showing. They are there but invisible. I can hover over them.

If i insepct the code with chrome it seems as if images are suppose to be in but i cannot find that directory

All navigation icons are missing / not showing.
Would it be possible to add them somewhere inside LibreNMS?

You can show them

add this to your config.php

$config['network_map_vis_options'] = '{
  "configure": { "enabled": true},

just to be clear…they are there but invisible. I already have navigation enabled.
i can hover over them and click but they are invisible :slight_smile:

odd i can see them…you need to scroll down.

It is odd but maybe we are talking about different things? im referring to green buttons on the map. On my screen they look like this when i hover over them


Like it’s not showing the devices?

ah i see what you are talking about
Yeah no idea why they dont show

Exactly…when i look into html code it seems that vis css is referring to img/network/xxxxx.png but those files are not present in LibreNMS

Pull request is welcomed to resolve it.

i’ll give ti a try. Never done it before

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