New Feature: Service Templates (Adieu nagios)

I’ve added a Service Template feature.

You create a template, as you would the Service, and apply it to a Device Group.
You can add(apply) the services, remove the services, and edit / change the template.
If you enable discover_services: true it will apply / update templates automatically based on the service discovery frequency.

I would appreciate some feedback and testing.
I’m still waiting for a code review, so expect bugs.


Perfect, this is what we need. Thank you.

This sounds great … but I cannot see “Service Templates” anywhere in my WUI…
(Under “Services” I just have “Add Service”…)
Do I have to enable anything in the settings?

Can you give me hint where to find all these pages in the WUI?

Thank you!

It has been merged to master this month.
It is not in the 21.1.x release.

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