New installation : Unable to add my first device

Hi all,

this is my first installation of LibreNMS.
I have just installed the LibreNMS VM (librenms-ubuntu-20.04-amd64.ova) on my Notebook VirtualBox environment.

Now I’m tring to add my first device but I get a “Could not connect” error

This is my environment :

librenms@librenms:~$ ./validate.php

Component Version
LibreNMS 22.2.1-35-g40ff02043
DB Schema 2022_02_03_164059_increase_auth_id_length (235)
PHP 7.4.3
Python 3.8.5
MySQL 10.3.25-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.20.04.1
RRDTool 1.7.2
SNMP 5.8


[OK] Composer Version: 2.2.9
[OK] Dependencies up-to-date.
[OK] Database connection successful
[OK] Database schema correct
[FAIL] Python3 module issue found: 'Required packages: [‘PyMySQL!=1.0.0’, ‘python-dotenv’, ‘redis>=3.0’, ‘setuptools’, ‘psutil>=5.6.0’, ‘command_runner>=1.3.0’]
Package not found: The ‘command_runner>=1.3.0’ distribution was not found and is required by the application

pip3 install -r /opt/librenms/requirements.txt

librenms@librenms:~$ ./
Updating to latest codebase OK
Updating Composer packages OK
Updating SQL-Schema OK
Updating submodules OK
Cleaning up DB OK
Fetching notifications OK
Caching PeeringDB data OK
Caching Mac OUI data OK
librenms@librenms:~$ git pull
Already up to date.

From my host (Win10) I can test the snmp and do a snmp walk (using Paessler SNMP Tester)
but from IibreNMS I get no response if I try an snmpwalk:

librenms@librenms:~$ snmpwalk -v 2c -c comm-test
Timeout: No Response from

Please could you help me with the debug or link me to some document.

Thank you

maybe try to fix errors first ?

pip3 install -r /opt/librenms/requirements.txt
  1. sudo apt update
  2. sudo apt install python3-pip
  3. pip3 install -r /opt/librenms/requirements.txt

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