New to Libre - Needing to Monitor a new device - Cordex Retifiter

Hello all, I’m new to LibreNMS so please forgive me. I need to add / monitor some devices that are coming up as Generic. They are Cordex rectifiers. I need to be about to graph AC Input, Battery current, and Temp.

The Object ID = .
AC InPUt Volts = .
Battery Current = .
Temp = .
Failed Rectifiers = .
Acquired Rectifiers = .

Hi @gebster
You can either add support yourself (Intro - LibreNMS Docs) or open an issue in github and wait for somebody to do it (Issues · librenms/librenms · GitHub). The latter can take a lot of time, the software is community based, so unless somebody does it on its free time, it’s not going to happen soon.


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I figured it out. Here is my yaml file for reference.

mib: AlphaPowerSystem-MIB
oid: dcPwrSysCntrlrIpIntegerValue
num_oid: ‘.’
index: ‘dcPwrSysCntrlrIpIntegerValue.3’
descr: ‘Battery Voltage’
divisor: 100
high_limit: 5500
oid: dcPwrSysCntrlrIpIntegerValue
num_oid: ‘.’
index: ‘dcPwrSysCntrlrIpIntegerValue.5’
descr: ‘AC Mains’
divisor: 100
high_limit: 26000
oid: dcPwrSysCntrlrIpIntegerValue
num_oid: ‘.’
index: ‘dcPwrSysCntrlrIpIntegerValue.4’
descr: ‘Battery Current - Draw’
divisor: 100
oid: dcPwrSysRectIpIntegerValue
num_oid: ‘.’
index: ‘dcPwrSysRectIpIntegerValue.4’
descr: ‘Acquired Rectifiers’
oid: dcPwrSysRectIpIntegerValue
num_oid: ‘.’
index: ‘dcPwrSysRectIpIntegerValue.6’
descr: ‘Failed Rectifiers’
high_limit: 1

Hi @gebster
Excellent. Could you please submit a pull request ?
2 advantages :

  • You will not have any issue whenever an upgrade of LibreNMS occurs (because it will be tested)
  • Any other owner of these devices will benefit from your work (exactly as you currently benefit from all other devices support).


What are the steps to do that?

Most of the answers are here :

Basically, you fork the repository, clone it, apply your patch to your clone, commit it, and then create a request from github so we can review the patch and merge it to the master branch.

Hi everyone,

I was trying to get it working here but the sensors weren’t shown up here in my case.
I created the following yaml file .

os: CXC
text: Cordex 650W
type: power
icon: alpha
group: alpha
   - alpha
            - .


mib: AlphaPowerSystem-MIB
             divisor: 10
                 oid: dcPwrSysCntrlrIpIntegerValue
                 num_oid: ‘.’
                 index: ‘dcPwrSysCntrlrIpIntegerValue.3’
                 descr: ‘Battery Voltage’

the MIB “AlphaPowerSystem-MIB” is located in /mibs/alpha/

I did a rediscovery of that device but the sensor werent shown up. I also tried to delete and add
that device again but without success.
Does anyone know what I am missing here?

Hi @TheGracens
Unfortunately, @gebster never contributed his code to LibreNMS so you have now to do it again. That is the reason why we try to encourage people to contribute their code as much as possible.

  • First, the OS file must match the OS name, and both must be small letters. so you should change to os: cxc in your cxc.yaml file definition.
  • the discovery file should be named the same.
  • you should run the discovery in debug mode to ensure new yaml files are parsed
    ./discovery.php -v -d -h <yourdeviceid>
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Hi, . small letters. That was a good hint and my problem it seems.
It works now. Thank you very much.

Good news. Please open a PR so we can merge this change then :slight_smile: